28 Maret 2010

My Digital Life

My Digital Life

Wake-up Call With Math Alarm Clock

Posted: 28 Mar 2010 03:20 AM PDT

Many people can simply set the alarm clock and wake up on time when the alarm is triggered. However, some people will really have a tough time to wake up at the desired time despite the alarm having gone off for hours. These sound sleepers have probably tried out various tricks, such as getting a [...]

Download AntiDupl.NET to Detect Duplicated Images or Pictures and Free Up Hard Disk Space

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 08:36 AM PDT

We have mentioned about BitFinder, Auslogics Duplicate File Finder and Primitive Duplicate Finder that can be used to detect and remove duplicated files to free up hard disk space and in case you would like to concentrate mainly on pictures or image files, here is a tiny utility named as AntiDupl.NET that you can try. Once [...]

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